
Sciatica is a common condition that can cause lower back pain, hip pain, and leg pain. If it is not treated, further complications can occur and the pain can become chronic. At Dr. Pershing's Office in Montgomery, AL, we provide a variety of treatments to help alleviate your discomfort and improve your overall health.


What is Sciatica? 

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated or compressed. This nerve begins in your lower back and travels down your buttocks into each leg. The condition may develop due to misalignments in your back or if you have a herniated disc or bulging discs. Along with that, sciatica can occur during pregnancy or if you have diabetes.

Symptoms of Sciatica 

Sciatica can cause a variety of symptoms. One common symptom is leg pain, which can feel like an ache, tingling, or a burning sensation. You may also have numbness, weakness, or trouble moving your leg or foot, particularly if you've been sitting or standing for a long period of time. Lower back pain, hip pain, and pain in the buttocks can also occur due to sciatica. The pain you exhibit can be constant or come and go and may be mild or excruciating.

Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica

Our chiropractors will begin by determining the root cause of your sciatica. We will perform a physical exam and talk to you about your lifestyle and medical history. Along with that, we may also perform additional tests, such as an x-ray or MRI, for an accurate diagnosis. Once we identify the root cause of the discomfort, our chiropractors will provide the necessary treatment. Some treatments we utilize for sciatica include:

Chiropractic Adjustment 

Chiropractic adjustment is a common sciatica treatment. If your pain is caused by misalignment in your spine or hips, you will experience relief with proper alignment. Correcting misalignment can also increase blood flow, improve your range of motion and nervous system function, and restore body balance.

Spinal Decompression 

Spinal decompression can also help relieve sciatica pain, especially if the discomfort is caused by a bulging disc or herniated disc. Our chiropractor will use a specialized table that creates negative pressure in your spine and helps your discs to return to their proper position. The treatment also reduces pressure on the sciatic nerve, which can provide immediate relief. 

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises 

Our chiropractor may also recommend therapeutic exercises. These exercises can strengthen weak muscles, improve your flexibility, and alleviate sciatica pain.

Laser Therapy 

Laser therapy can be highly beneficial in treating sciatica. The treatment is painless also helps you relax. Along with the, laser therapy reduces inflammation quickly and helps your body heal.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

If you are suffering from sciatica, our team at Dr. Pershing's Office in Montgomery, AL, can help. We offer various treatments, including chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and complementary therapies, to eliminate the aches and improve your quality of life. Contact us at (344) 676-1490 today to schedule your appointment!

Office Hours


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm





8:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
